M&A teaser: explanations and example to download!

M&A teaser: explanations and example to download!

The teaser is one of the most important documents in a M&A operation. Indeed, it allows to market a deal and must therefore attract potential buyers. It is essential that it is synthetic and, as far as possible, anonymous. Discover an example of a teaser and the important elements to put in it. 



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What information should a teaser contain in M&A?

The objective of the teaser is to attract a maximum number of buyers. You must therefore make it attractive. The elements to put in a M&A teaser are therefore : 

  • A description of the company
  • A description of its activities
  • A presentation of the management
  • The company's opportunities
  • The main financial indicators
  • A brief description of the competition and customers

These elements are the bare essentials to include in a teaser. You can enhance them with graphs or charts for financial indicators or growth opportunities. The goal is to keep it readable. 

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Download a sample M&A teaser!

Many of you have asked us for an example of an M&A teaser to see what the document looks like. In most cases, the teaser should not exceed one page and should only include key information about the company. You must therefore succeed in presenting the company very quickly and in highlighting future opportunities for the potential buyer. 

The teaser can take different forms (in terms of presentation). The most important thing is that it is readable and easily understandable by potential buyers. We present here an example of a teaser, it may be possible to find other information (depending on the company and its sector of activity). However, the information in this teaser is mandatory. 


Download a sample teaser HERE.



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