The Articles

Everything you need to know about the accounting profession: curriculum, salary, assignments

  Coline Faivre

Everything you need to know about the accounting profession: curriculum, salary, assignments

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If you're precise, rigorous and like numbers ... a career in accounting could be for you !
The finance employment barometer for the first quarter of 2024!

  Coline Faivre

The finance employment barometer for the first quarter of 2024!

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Discover the barometer proposed by Dogfinance, concerning employment in the finance sector for the first half of 2024.
How do you turn a financial analysis into a convincing presentation ?

  Coline Faivre

How do you turn a financial analysis into a convincing presentation ?

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In the world of finance and consulting, mastering the art of transforming complex financial analysis into persuasive presentations is crucial. Discover our tips!
Zoom on the Teaser in the M&A Process

  Coline Faivre

Zoom on the Teaser in the M&A Process

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In a sell-side M&A process, what is commonly referred to as a "teaser" is a document consisting of a few slides aimed at introducing a company to potential acquirers.
Le classement QS 2024 des meilleurs Masters in Finance !

  Coline Faivre

Le classement QS 2024 des meilleurs Masters in Finance !

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Découvrez le classement QS 2024 des meilleurs Masters in Finance ! Cette année, 15 écoles françaises sont présentes dans ce classement répertoriant 200 écoles.
Focus on the Information Memorandum in the M&A process

  Dorian Zerroudi

Focus on the Information Memorandum in the M&A process

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The "Information Memorandum," also known as "info memo" or IM, typically takes the form of a PDF document, often in the form of slides.
Focusing on the pitch in the M&A process

  Auriane Ducherpozat

Focusing on the pitch in the M&A process

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The pitch is an essential step in the sell-side M&A process. Read this article to learn more!
Le Bitcoin : définition, enjeux et avenir

Le Bitcoin : définition, enjeux et avenir

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En septembre 2021, le Salvador est devenu le premier pays au monde à reconnaître officiellement le bitcoin comme monnaie légale, au même titre que le dollar américain. Revenons sur l'histoire du bitcoin et sur les faits essentiels à connaître sur cette crypto-monnaie.
What is Asset Management?

What is Asset Management?

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Asset managers are an interesting profession to learn about in finance, and particularly in investment banking. What is their role?
Showing 1 to 9 of 65 (1 Pages)